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Nothing... and shoes

Happy Friday everyone! I totally admit it... I've got nothing for you today... well nothing food related. On a totally unfood related note, want to talk about shoes? Chicks like shoes right? Actually I'm a comfy shoe kinda girl. Don't get me wrong I think shoes can be super cute and fun... but I never wear them, because I like to be comfy (and be able to run away from someone at a moments notice- priorities people).

However I was in a store recently and saw these... and bought them... (you can't tell in the pic below but they have a fun ruffle detail, you can see it here. I found them in Marshalls though for half that price... awesomeness)

I wore them to a meeting yesterday (I'm such a grownup) and immediately got made fun of by my boss since while we were walking from the parking lot into the building he had to wait for me to catch up... and then informed me that Niki (awesome coworker) can haul ass in heels... I informed him that she wears them everyday and has mad skills, whereas I'm still learning... Silly men.

So tell me dear readers. Are you a form over function kinda girl? Or are you a comfy all the way kinda girl? I'm a comfy 99.9% of the time... but sometimes a girls gotta have fun right?

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