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Hashbrowns or Homefries

Tell me, are you a hash-brown or a home-fry kinda guy/gal? I can appreciate both for sure, but if I'm at a diner I always order home-fries... with two eggs over easy (and of course bacon!).

The drippy yolk makes John want to yak, he refuses to sit at the table with me when I'm eating these bad boys :) Personally I think it's the perfect thing to dip your home-fries in.

Whenever I'm boiling up potatoes for dinner or potato salad I made sure to add a few extra and keep them on hand in the fridge. This way I can just chop them up and toss them in a pan with a little butter, salt, pepper, and a good helping of paprika and I'm set with home-fries in a hurry!

So are you a home-fry or a hash-brown, and how do you order your eggs? :) Are you with John or me on this one?

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