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Pumpkin Ice Cream Sammies

Over the summer I had a love affair with ice cream sandwiches, ok full disclosure, I'm still having a love affair with them. They have been my go to sweet something to snack on at night (I know not the healthiest, but so satisfying to me I don't go back for other treats). In an attempt to bring the Thanksgiving season into my love affair I decided to try my hand at my very own ice cream sammie.
Pumpkin icecream sammie
Here it is before a trip in the freezer, which turned it into a solid rock.. whoops. Yeah the whole non fat thing really is a killer when freezing things. So instead just eat this wonderful whipped pumpkin as it should be, cold, but not frozen, and call it a day. Unless you like rock solid hard ice cream, in that case, have a blast :)
Pumpkin icecream sammie
This makes a great pumpkin pie sub if you don't have room to bake a pie in the oven, or just don't have to the time. Delicious, fast, and so creamy good :) Serve with graham crackers or gingersnaps on top.

Pumkpin Whippy
recipe from PeepThread

1 package (3.4 ounces) instant butterscotch pudding mix (I used sugar free fat free)
1.5 cups cold milk (I used skim)
1 can of pumpkin
1.5 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1.5 cups Cool Whip dessert topping. (I used fat free)
optional: crumbled graham crackers, cinnamon sticks, gingersnaps

Combine the pudding mix and milk in a large bowl. Mix until the ingredients are well combined. Stir in the pumpkin, pie spice and vanilla, and fold in the Cool Whip. Pour the mixture into dessert dishes and chill in the refrigerator. Serve with a dollop of Cool Whip or real whipped cream. Optional: top with crushed graham crackers or garnish with cinnamon sticks and ginger snaps.

What's your go to night time snack? Or are you hardcore and don't snack after dinner (I'm so not hardcore)

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